About Me

Hello there.  I’m Roy Davidson, the XC Ski Guy. As you may have guessed, I’m passionate about cross country skiing. 

So how did you get here?  On my site that is?  Maybe you are new to xc skiing? You’re looking for a new activity, something to help you get outside, enjoy nature, and meet interesting people.  You’ve heard of cross-country skiing, maybe even tried it, but you’re not sure what to do next. If so, I get it. I too was overwhelmed when I first started out.  Or, perhaps you’re already an xc skier, and you want to find new trails, learn new techniques or what the conditions are like before you head out the door. Whatever your reason for stopping by, welcome.

Skiing the Lookout Loop trail.
Roy Davidson

For me, getting involved in cross country skiing was one of the pivotal events in my life. Like many, I had dabbled in skiing as a teenager.  Being from a small prairie town, winter activities centered around the local ice rink and that meant hockey, skating and curling.  Thus, cross country skiing was not really in my mind as a sport.  It was just something fun I could do with my friends.  It was outside, up close and personal with nature, and certainly good exercise. Hockey remained my main winter sport for years until marriage and a family came along.  Playing rec hockey at 10:30 at night became a lot less appealing, and family life left a lot less time for individual sport activities.   

Wanting to get my family involved in an outdoor sport that I could do with them, xc skiing seemed to be the answer.  A co-worker suggested that I give it a try.  I jumped in with both feet, and, as they say, right into the deep end of the pool. I enrolled myself and my family in our local ski club, signed the kids up for lessons, and volunteered to become a coach.  Yikes! For me, it was important to learn how to ski, but also to learn how to coach and teach others.  I believed then, as I do now, that a Club is only as strong as the involvement of its members. I became a certified coach in the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), and have been coaching children, teens and adults ever since.  I developed my skills even further when I was certified by CANSI, the Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors in 2018.  Along this journey I learned that I loved to ski, but also that I love to teach others and share my passion for the sport that has brought so much joy to myself and my family.

My mission on this site is simple: to help you learn about the sport of cross-country skiing. This includes everything from different techniques and approaches, to what equipment to buy, what clothing to wear, and where to ski. For those who are interested, I also provide one-on-one and group lessons for people at the beginner to intermediate skill level.  I guarantee you will learn a lot and have a ton of fun doing it.

I invite you to stick around, read my blog, and sign up to get my posts automatically delivered to your e-mail In Box. I also encourage you to reach out to me. I’m always happy to meet new people and talk about my passion.

Ski you soon.  Yeah, I know that’s corny. But hey, I’m a dad. Hopefully you can kick and glide past it.

Roy, The XC Ski Guy

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